Thursday, October 14, 2010

The Truck Ees Broke!

Another out-of-chronological-order story has surfaced recently. I have somehow completely forgotten to tell you thousands of rabid readers about the most interesting character (among so many!) at Image International. He was - I assume still is - a gay Puerto Rican named Otto. He was the primary decorator of theme parties, and became one of the better crew bosses during my six and a half years there. Actually, the fact that we were both there for that long makes us both anomalies in Image lore. I would guess that the average duration of employment was maybe four to six months.

One lazy afternoon, I was lingering in the office after punching out. Suddenly the company dispatch radio burst into life. "Kghello, Eemage," it said. Kghello Eemage."

Jim Locke, the company's primary driver and Lord of the Trucks, picked up the microphone. "Yes, Otto, what is it?"

The truck ees broke!" said Otto.

"What's the matter with it?"

"EES BROKE!" said Otto, obviously impatiently.

"Okay," said Jim Locke. "Where are you?"

"On the road," said Otto, matter of factly.

"Okay," said Jim Locke, "where on the road?"

The exasperation with this "estupid Amellican" was fairly oozing from Otto's voice when he said, "On the SIDE of the road!!!"

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