Monday, January 16, 2012

From The Day You Were Born...

Since I'm in the mode of wacky personalities, I have a few more to serve up. My next victim is Matthew Mees. He started at Mystic in the spring of 2006, became one of Allan McNab's rangers, and therefore we were thrown together on a lot of wacky jobs. The first was at the Kennedy Library And Museum, where there was a cluster of repair jobs. The worst, the one I was dreading, was a reception counter with broken laminate that needed to be replaced. While I dove into the other projects, staving off the laminate job, Mees dove right in and peeled and replaced the broken laminate. He said it never occurred to him to be intimidated by it. I liked him from that moment on.

When Kevin Simard had a meltdown and was taken out of the Museum of Science, Matt Mees was tapped to be the new Mystic crew boss. Unfortunately, the Touring Exhibits Manager didn't like him, so he only lasted about a year and a half at that job. We all thought he was the bees' knees, but it didn't matter what we thought.

He loves his work, but his passion is historical reenactment. The character he portrays most often is a Revolutionary War soldier in a French regiment. His wife and two daughters are in on it as well, going to grand balls and weekend campouts in pertiod costume. Mees has several French Army uniforms as well as various other period outfits, some French, some not.

He reads a lot. If you asked  me to generalize what kind of books he likes to read, I'd say it's books nobody else would read or even know of. He loves to quote sentences or paragraphs to the people around him at work during breaks and lunch. Nobody has a clue what he's going on about.

He reminds me of a Peanuts cartoon. Snoopy and Woodstock and the little birds are all wearing French Foreign Legion hats in a big sand castle. Linus says to Lucy: "I see the French have retaken Fort Zinderneuf." Lucy replies: "From the day you were born I've never known what you were talking about!" I said that to Matthew many times.

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